Funny Comic

I think this comic is funny: lurking variable

PS: I have no idea how many days it has been for me. :-)

Veggie Enchiladas

Veggie Enchilada While I was browsing the web the other day, I stumbled across some black bean sweet potato enchiladas. They sounded really good, so I set about creating my own recipe. The result is delicious vegan enchiladas with lots of flavor and texture.

Carrot Cake with Walnuts

Carrot Cake from Chicago Diner

This weekend my wife was craving cake. It also happened to be the third anniversary of my motorcycle blog. We set out to find some vegan cake, as I wasn’t in the mood to heat up the house while baking.

Extra Bananas? Make Bread!

Ripe Banana

After our regular weekend shopping we had some extra bananas in the kitchen. The ones from last weekend were getting very ripe and just begging to be made into something. Have extra bananas? Make bread of course!

Sunday Brunch

Sunday Brunch

On our way to lunch on Saturday, my wife and I were talking about which restaurant to go to as we were driving to Minneapolis. Neither of us had strong feelings on where to go, so we just listed restaurant names at each other until we ended up at one. 

One of my first suggestions was French Meadow. Just the name made my mouth water thinking about the classic vegan breakfast with crispy hash browns, tofu scramble, and crumbles. We decided to skip it because of traffic concerns with the uptown art fair in progress. However, the thought of those tasty hash browns sat in my brain like a splinter.

Foxy Falafel Grand Opening

Foxy Falafel Grand Opening

Foxy Falafel has transitioned from a tasty food truck to a tasty restaurant. Yum! The grand opening of the restaurant on 791 Raymond in St. Paul was this past Friday. It felt very well attended. My wife and I enjoyed every scrumptious bite.

Nut Meat Tacos

Nut Meat Tacos
While browsing the web the other day I stumbled upon some delicious looking raw nut meat tacos. I loved the photo and most of the ingredient list, so I added it to the pile of recipes to try. I modified the original recipe to suit our tastes. We used a fresh cooked roti instead of the lettuce for the wrap. I know roti is from India and tacos from the south, but the combination is quite tasty. It was so easy to prepare. I can see these becoming a regular dinner item.

Preventing Leading Causes of Death

According to the science presented by Dr Greger, 15 of the 16 leading causes of death in America can be reduced or eliminated with a healthy diet.

I’ve been following for a while, and I am a huge fan. I enjoy the regular videos that summarize the current peer-reviewed nutritional science. A big thanks for all their hard work. I hope you enjoy the video as much as we did.

YouTube: Uprooting the Leading Causes of Death